Ride Europe's longest amateur sportive

We have teamed up with our partners, professional tour operators SportActive, to offer our riders the chance of a lifetime – a guaranteed place on the Europe’s longest sportive – The Mallorca 312 on 26th April 2025. 

All 8000 entries usually sell out on the day they open (8/10/24) but as an official Mallorca 312 Tour Operator, SportActive have rebooked 30 places which they will make available to TPR Events riders on a first come, first served basis. 

8000 riders, closed roads, routes of 312kms, 225 kms and 167 kms over iconic climbs, smooth roads under warm Mallorca Spring skies. 

Cycling heaven…

Tour Packages Include

Your Hotel and packages

Just a flat 5km ride from the event HQ, the base for your adventure will be the 5-star Zafiro Palace Hotel in Alcudia

Feel at home in our welcoming and comfortable rooms and suites, enjoy the multiple pools, spa, gym and professional sports massage. Rest easy with our airport transfers, optional bike hire, dedicated mechanic and secure bike storage. 

Your stay will be on a half-board basis including a bespoke pre-ride breakfast on the event day at 5am to ensure you are fuelled for your big day. 

Choose to join us for 4, 5, 6 or 7 nights. We can offer recce and training rides with experienced guides and event pacing strategies. 

No hassle or worries – just ride and relax!

The Routes 2025

The Mallorca 312 (M312) Sportive is the longest amateur sportive in Europe. Now in its 15th year, the sportive will feature challenging climbs and thrilling descents and a pro-event feel.

The 312 kms route takes you through the best parts of Mallorca including the famed Tramuntana Mountain Range as well as other beautiful and scenic roads used by Pro peloton teams such as Team Sky (now INEOS), the 2019 Tour de France winners.

Every year 8500 riders take on the event. Being part of this peloton is something you must experience once in your cycling career! The big event feel is awe inspiring. The M312 is the sportive to end all sportives.

If 312 kms seems a bit far there are two other routes you can ride. The M225 is 225 kms of ride, while the M167 is 167 kms. If you’re feeling a little hesitant why not go for the M167 and work your way up each year.

You can also change routes mid-ride depending on the day you are having. You will record a time and you will collect your medal.

SportActive ensures you have the best possible M312 experience. We are an official tour operator of the event and ensure that you are looked after as soon as you get off the plane.

Introducing SportActive

TPR Events have offered cycling events for over 11 years with 1000’s of riders each year enjoying our flukily inclusive events. We only offer events we would love to ride ourselves and we have always had the ambition to offer our riders something overseas and in the sun. Something a little special to brighten their winter and spring or offer a major challenge over iconic cycling landscapes. We have researched cycling holidays and training camps and recognised that to offer the very best experience we would need to partner with an established expert. 

We are delighted to welcome SportActive as a new partner at our events.  SportActive are long established cycling holiday and training camp experts focussed on Mallorca and France. They regularly have cycling legend Sean Kelly along for the ride to add an extra sparkle of magic to the rides!

Over the next few months, watch out for exciting news of our partnership with SportActive and some more very tempting offers!

Be inspired for your next holiday here:  www.SportActive.net